Minute of the EFSM Council Meeting and General Delegates Assembly, Strasbourg, France, May 16, 2015, 14:00-17:00



Alexandru Georgescu:



Alex Muset:



Kadir Bacakoglu:



Ileana Matei:



Panayotis Soucacos:



Stefano Geuna:




Gete Ester Toft:



Philippe Valenti:



Gerhard Pierer:


Ulrich Kneser:


Dirk Schaefer:



Alex Beris:



Marco Innocenti:



M. Breborowicz:



Horacio Costa:



Ileana Matei:



Alex Muset:



Karl Malm:



Yener Demirtas:


Omer Ozkan:




Erkki Tukiainen:



Marko Bumbasirevic:



Albin Stritar:




Abdel-Hakim Massoud:


Start of the Meeting at 14:00.

1. Call to order


  • A. Georgescu (General Secretary)
  • I. Matei (Treasurer)
  • P. Soucacos (Historian)
  • S. Geuna (EMTRA)
  • Ph. Valenti (France)
  • A. Beris (Greece)
  • A. Crosio (Italy)
  • I. Matei (Romania)
  • Y. Demirtas (Turkey)
  • B. Jigit (Turkey) (replacing O. Ozkan)
  • E. Tukiainen (Finland)
  • A. Lesic (Serbia) (replacing M. Bumbasirevic)


  • G. E. Toft (Denmark)
  • U. Kneser (German Speaking Group)
  • D. Schaefer (German Speaking Group)
  • K. Malm (Sweden)
  • A. Stritar (Slovenia)


  • A. Muset (Elected General Secretary - appointed A. Georgescu
  • K. Bacakoglu (President) - appointed Y. Demirtas


  • M. Breborowicz (Poland)
  • H. Costa (Portugal)

2. Establishment of Quorum

  • 12 attendees, from which 10 with voting rights
  • 10 from 16 with voting rights
  • So, A. Georgescu noted that the quorum was established

3. Report of the EFSM Secretary General, A. Georgescu

  • A. Georgescu presented the report for the activities since the last EFSM meeting in Barcelona. He was pleased to announce that all the required legal papers of the EFSM were successfully concluded, including the existence of a bank account.
  • He presented the conclusions after his visit in Antalia, at the site of the future EFSM Congress in 2016: the venue, accommodation and proposed scientific and social activities were well organized for this moment in time. Together with the President of the Congress and the Organizing Committee, A. Georgescu prepared the Early Scientific Program and identified the points in which things might be improved. The Turkish Society's presentation and offer is extremely convenient for all the future participants, especially for the young surgeons. Georgescu noted that in the 2016 Congress in Antalia Dr. Muset will become the next Secretary General of the EFSM.
    At this point, Stefano Geuna expressed his believe that, due to the legal foundation and registration of the EFSM in 2014, the present Secretary General Georgescu occupied this function officially only in the last 2 years. Taking into consideration that the Secretary General mandate is of 4 years, he believed that Georgescu should remain in function as Secretary General for another 2 years. His proposal was discussed, voted and agreed unanimously.
  • A. Georgescu presented the news from WSRM India, which included the proposal for organization of a WSRM day with the occasion of EFSM Congresses and all National Congresses. The WSRM Council thought that this occasions will offer new good opportunities for microsurgeons to come together and share informations, to organize symposia and business presentations.
  • Georgescu urged the national representatives to create links between the EFSM site and all the national societies' sites, a very important opportunity for creating contacts between peoples. Also, he stressed the importance of a data base containing all the name of the members in all national societies, taking into consideration the national and international laws regarding privacy.
  • He also reported that, in the year since the last meeting, the EFSM endorsed the Congress of the Italian Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, the Congress of the Romanian Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery and the BAPRAS Congress. Also, the EFSM endorsed the Master of the European School of Reconstructive Microsurgery, whose program includes nine modules of five days training courses, a clinical immersion module held in set hospitals and a clinical or experimental research project.
  • A. Georgescu started to present all the proposed modifications in the EFSM bylaws and put them all to vote:
    1. Chapter 7.2: four types of members: founding members (voted, agreed unanimously)
    2. Chapter 7.2.2: full membership (voted, agreed unanimously)
    3. chapter 7.2.3: Associate membership (voted, agreed unanimously)
    4. chapter 7.2.4: Corresponding membership (the paragraph was discussed and the members agreed that the Corresponding members should not pay taxes until they do not have a right to vote). The paragraph was modified accordingly. Georgescu submitted to a vote Egypt's proposal to become a corresponding member, which was agreed unanimously, pending their official letter of intent.
    5. chapter 7.4: voted, agreed unanimously
    6. chapter 7.5: voted, agreed unanimously
    7. chapter 7.6: voted, agreed unanimously
    8. chapter 9.1: voted, agreed unanimously
    9. chapter 9.2: Greece proposed that the Historian should be part of the Executive Committee, proposal which was voted and agreed unanimously.
      A. Georgescu presented the Denmark vote against the line 7 of the chapter 9.2 and their suggested alternative. Greece, Turkey and France took this suggestion into consideration, but opposed it. The line was voted and the modification was passed, with one vote against (Denmark).
      All the other modifications proposed in the 9.2 chapter were voted, agreed unanimously
    10. chapter 9.3: the members saw no benefit in creating another structure inside the EFSM, so the title Council and all the other pertaining to this structure will not exist in the new modified bylaws, as agreed and voted unanimously.
    11. chapter 9.4: Geuna presented the fact that EMTRA is not a national society, does not pay taxes, it promotes the education and research, so he believes that its role can be undertaken by 2 committees of the EFSM. Demirtas expressed his concern that, with enhancing the number of committees, the number of peoples really working for the benefit of EFSM will diminish. So, the names and number of committees were discussed and the final version, agreed by everybody was:
      1. the Bylaws committee disappears
      2. b+f are united, creating the International Relations Committee
      3. the Education Committee becomes the Education and Training Committee
      4. the EMTRA becomes the Research Committee
      5. the Informatics Committee disappears
      6. the Historic Committee disappears
      7. the Clinical Committee appears
    12. chapter 9.9 was agreed and voted unanimously

    So, all the proposed modifications in the Bylaws were discussed and the new Bylaws, as a whole, voted and agreed unanimously.

4. Secretary general Elect report could not be presented due to his absence.

The proposed persons in charge with the committees were:

  • the International Relations Committee: dr. Kadir Bacakoglu
  • the Education and Training Committee: dr. Jaume Masia
  • the Research Committee: prof. Stefano Geuna
  • the Clinical Committee: dr. Bruno Battiston

They were voted and agreed, remaining that they be informed and consent.

5. The treasurer report was presented, emphasizing that for the first time in EFSM history the Federation has a bank account with money in it. Georgescu and Matei proposed that the money should be used for supporting young researchers and microsurgeons to participate in scientific courses meant to improve their knowledge and skills. Also, they could be used to award the best paper published in an international microsurgical journal, or to support the participation of some microsurgeons in the EFSM congress. It was stressed that it would be better to give more people a smaller amount of money, not one large sum to only one person.

6. Dr. Demirtas presented the 2016 EFSM Congress progress report and provided up-to-date information about the organizational status. He mentioned that the location of the Congress was very well selected, considering the scientific and social local possibilities, that for the residents the early bird registration congress fee will be zero, that the accommodation rates will be very small and that is for the first time that a EFSM Congress has a mobile App available and already functional.

Also, he offered a great opportunity for the country that will have more than 20 participants in the congress, because the National Delegate will have gratuity.

He stressed that, due to the national Turkish Celebration (the Children Holiday) which takes place in the same period of time, it would be a great opportunity for microsurgeons to come together 5 with their families to take a nice, longer vacation in Turkey and come to the congress.

He required help from the members in order to obtain names of pioneers, experts from different countries, which should be included in various panels, according with their expertise.

Also, he requested proposals from the delegates for persons to be included in the Scientific Committee of the Congress. Geuna proposed Pierluigi Tos from Italy's part and Valenti proposed dr. Goubier, from France, remaining that the other countries send their proposals later by mail to dr. Demirtas.

7. Dr. Lesic presented, on behalf of dr. Bumbasirevic, a progress of the congress in 24 - 28.04.2018 in Belgrade, providing information about the history, creativity, tradition and modernism of Serbia.

8. Dr. Tukiainen presented the report of the Finish Society, including all their activity and scientific events realized in the last year, showing the great interest this specialty elicits in its members.

9. Georgescu proposed that in Antalia should be decided were the 2020 EFSM Congress should take place and asked for applications.

The meeting was adjourned at 17.00 hours.