EFSM Council Meeting Minutes - Genova, May 20th 2010


  • Presentation of Genova Congress and activities of the Committees in these last years
  • Next Congress of EFSM
  • Fundings
  • New candidates
  • Proposal of an International Federation of Microsurgical Societies
  • Future projects of the committees and possibilities of working
  • Others.


  • B. Battiston (Italy) - General Secretary
  • R. Baumeister (D.A.M.)
  • F. Demirkan (Turkey)
  • S. Elberg (Denmark)
  • M. Innocenti (Italy)
  • A. Georgescu (Romania)
  • A. Muset ( Spain)
  • P. Valenti (France)
  • M. Ionac (EMRA)
  • P. Tos (Italy) - Treasurer
  • M. Breborowicz (Poland) – New candidate
  • H. Costa (Portugal) – New candidate
  • A. Stritar (Slovenia)- New candidate

1. The General Secretary Bruno Battiston thanks the work of the delegates for the scientific collaboration they provided for the Congress in Genova. The program is scientifically well balanced and interesting and the number of presented papers coming from all over the world shows an international interest for our meeting. During these first two years of work of the committees many things were done: the website is active, hosting news on National Congresses of our Federation and links to other activities.

The educational Committee provided the first Educational CD-ROM that was distributed to the congress’ participants. Our Federation participated to other European meetings (i.e. EFORT in Wien) and will host for the first time another European Federation (a FESSH round table on the last day of our meeting).

2. For the next meeting of our Federation the French society through its delegate Philippe Valenti proposes the congress to be held in Paris in 2012. Everybody agree and vote for it.

For 2014 two nations announce their candidature: Spain and Turkey.

3. It is reminded that all countries have to contribute with 300 Euro to the Federation. Actually the fees should go to an account named to the General Secretary waiting for account to the name of the Federation to be created as soon as possible. Dr. Tos will send letters to the national societies to collect the fees.

To increase fundings of the Federation it is proposed to put some sessions of the next Congress on Internet to be sold. This could also increase the participation of young people who are not able to participate personally to the meeting.

Many propose to reduce the fees in the next Congresses to attract more young people. It is then proposed and voted that the maximum fee for young residents will be 200 Euro.

4. Three new candidates proposed themselves to be part of EFSM:

  • Poland represented by Dr. Maciej Breborowicz
  • Portugal represented by Dr. Horacio Costa
  • Slovenia represented by Dr. Albine Stritar.

These candidates are accepted unanimously. According to our bylaws they will work during the next two years to demonstrate to the Council their involvement in microsurgery. At the end of this period they should present a dossier to the Secretary General to confirm their full membership.

5. The General Secretary presents to the delegates the proposal of introducing some different rules in the International Meetings of Microsurgery. Actually WSRM is the official society representing single people performing microsurgery all over the world. It is felt that countries with National Societies of Microsurgery could better represent their members if joined in a kind of Federation together with WSRM or inside WSRM. This will be discussed with the delegates of the extraeuropean societies and the president of WSRM.

6. The tasks of the Committees for the future are presented.

The education Committee should work on collecting data on the courses and trainings through Europe in order to create a list; then a number of criteria to accreditate and select the centers performing education and training should be discussed and presented to the Council for approval.

The names of the people working in this Committee are: M. Ionac, F. Demirkan, L. Iensen, H. Costa, S. Geuna.

The informatic Committee formed by P. Tos, L. Jiga and M. Breborowicz should work improving the quality of the website and preparing the possibility to have conference on EFSM website.

The International Committee (A. Muset, D. Georgescu) is working on the participation of our Federation to important International Meetings (i.e. the next Latinoamerican Microsurgical Handsurgery Meeting)

7. Dr. Elberg presents the Danish delegate substituting himself, Dr. Lisa Tott Jensen.

Bruno Battiston


Bruno Battiston

CTO Hospital – Torino - Italy

Via Zuretti 29 - 10126

+ 39 0116933301


Alain Gilbert

Institut de la main - Paris - France

6 square Jouvenet - 75016



S.P. Frostick

TC Teo


Lisa Tott Jensen

Jens Jørgen Elberg


Philippe Valenti


S Baumeister


Alex Beris


Marco Innocenti


Alexandru Georgescu


Erkki Tukiainen


Alex Muset


Ferit. Demirkan


H Costa


M. Breborowicz


A. Stritar


Mihai Ionac

Stefano Geuna


Pierluigi Tos


Pierluigi Tos

Lucian Jiga

M. Breborowicz


Studioprogress - Br - Italy