Agenda of the EFSM Council Meeting and Delegates General Assembly, April 4th, 2014, 14:00-15:30, Hotel Avenida Palace, Barcelona - Spain, Room Terraza A

  • Call to Order
  • Establishment of Quorum - Bruno Battiston
  • Congress Updates
    • XIth EFSM Congress, Paris, 2012 - Philippe Valenti
    • XIIth EFSM Congress, EFSM Congress, Barcelona, 2014 - Alex Muset
    • XIIIth EFSM Congress, Antalya, 2016 - Yener Demirtas
  • General Secretary’s Report - Alexandru Georgescu
    • Societies’ Data Base
    • Feed-back from Societies
    • Website
    • Registration of the Federation
    • Bank Account
    • Number of Delegates
    • Societies’ Fees
    • Journal of Reconstructive Microsurgery
    • EFSM collaborations
    • Proposals for new Committees (Membership, Bylaws)
    • Find a person to be involved in managerial problems
  • Election of the Next EFSM General Secretary for 2016-2020
  • Discussions and vote the proposals for the EFSM Congress 2018
  • German Speaking Group Report
  • Scandinavian Group Report
  • Serbian Society Report
  • UK Group Report
  • Swedish Society Report
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Historian Report
  • Decision regading the EFSM Congress 2018.